
  • Day Shelter

    A gathering space for case management, community building, and support services.

  • Pallet Shelters

    Double occupancy shelter for clients engaged in case management

  • Night Shelter

    Low barrier, co-ed night shelter 365 days a year.

  • Financial Assistance

    Supporting clients financially in efforts to gain and maintain employment, obtain vital documents, access necessary medical care and prescriptions, and many others.

  • Hoteling

    Partnership with local hotels to house families with children while working toward permanent housing.

  • Case Management

    Responsive and proactive one on one support focused on client short and long term self identified goals. Available to all clients accessing Sheltering Silverton space.

  • Eviction Prevention

    Housing stabilization for clients experiencing housing insecurity and transition support for clients exiting houselessness.

  • Rapid Rehousing

    Limited to households identified as candidates for the ARCHES Housing Opportunity Program (AHOP).

  • Whole Health Initiative

    Client driven initiative promoting access to homemade shared nutritious meals, agricultural and culinary skill building, and interdisciplinary addiction recovery support.