Day Shelter
A gathering space for case management, community building, and support services.
Pallet Shelters
Double occupancy shelter for clients engaged in case management
Night Shelter
Low barrier, co-ed night shelter 365 days a year.
Financial Assistance
Supporting clients financially in efforts to gain and maintain employment, obtain vital documents, access necessary medical care and prescriptions, and many others.
Partnership with local hotels to house families with children while working toward permanent housing.
Case Management
Responsive and proactive one on one support focused on client short and long term self identified goals. Available to all clients accessing Sheltering Silverton space.
Eviction Prevention
Housing stabilization for clients experiencing housing insecurity and transition support for clients exiting houselessness.
Rapid Rehousing
Limited to households identified as candidates for the ARCHES Housing Opportunity Program (AHOP).
Whole Health Initiative
Client driven initiative promoting access to homemade shared nutritious meals, agricultural and culinary skill building, and interdisciplinary addiction recovery support.